Kids and 911
Your child and 911
- Teach your child their last name, their parent’s names, their home address and phone number. Always list this information near the phone.
- Teach your child the name of your employer and the phone number.
- Teach your child when they should call 9-1-1.
- Teach your child not to be afraid to call 9-1-1 if there is any doubt as to whether they should.
- Teach your child to dial “Nine, One, One” and not “Nine Eleven”, this might confuse the child and they may look for the number eleven on the phone.
- Make sure your child can reach at least one of the phones in your house. Wall mounted phones can be unreachable for small children.
- Always call from a safe location. If the house is on fire, get out and call from a nearby phone.
- Teach your child how to use your home phone and your cell phone to call 9-1-1 (remember the ‘send’ button on a cell phone!).

When to dial 9-1-1
9-1-1 is the phone number to call when you need helps from the police department, the fire department, or an ambulance.
These situations can include:
- To get help for someone who is hurt.
- If you smell smoke or see fire.
- If someone is hurting you.
- If you are not sure if you should call 9-1-1 and there are no adults nearby to ask.
When NOT to Dial 9-1-1
- When there is no emergency.
- To practice.
- Do not call 9-1-1 as a joke or a prank. You can get into serious trouble. More importantly, you can delay someone else getting the help they need in an emergency.
- If you call 9-1-1 by mistake, stay on the line and tell the 9-1-1 operator that you dialed wrong.
* The Garfield County Emergency Communications Authority offers free educational classes about the use of 9-1-1 to area schools and organizations for children ranging in ages from 3 to 8 years. For further details contact 970-625-4736.
What to do When 9-1-1 Answers
- The 9-1-1 operator will ask you questions to find out what type of help you need. What is your location? What is the emergency? What is your telephone number? What is your name?
- Remember to stay calm and speak slowly.
- Tell the 9-1-1 operator what’s wrong and where you need help.
- Speak up loud and clear when the 9-1-1 operator asks you questions. Do not nod your head instead answer “yes” or “no” out loud.
- Follow any instructions the 9-1-1 operator gives to you.
- Stay on the phone until the 9-1-1 operator tells you to hang up.